In order to take lithogeochemical samples in the study areas, the region is generally divided into 200 m × 200 m cells and in wider areas into 500 × 500 m cells. Then, several rock samples are taken from each cell and are powdered. Finally, a sample is transferred to the laboratory as a representative of the rock composition of that cell. Afterwards, the results of sample analyses are processed in a specific software.
Data processing is as follows. The results obtained by lithogeochemical analysis and the coordinates of the sampling site are stored in a database, and data substitution is conducted for a part of data, which have been reported to be censored, in the next step. Numerous methods are employed to analyze systematic geochemical data, which include univariate or multivariate statistical methods. Ultimately, the outputs of statistical analyses result in the introduction of promising mineral regions based on the dispersion of elements in the whole area and the sampling area, based on which final exploratory works can be planned in those regions.